Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Stephen Colbert is a DEMOCRAT

This is a response to BShave... Let me start off by saying that I love Stephen Colbert and the Colbert Report. He acts like a Conservative on the show to dramatize a radical Conservative. It's hilarious. I'm not saying this because I'm Liberal, either. Because I'm NOT. I'm neither Conservative nor Liberal. I'm more of a Libertarian, I suppose.

But, I would hope that people can realize this and still enjoy the show. He still makes good points and makes fun of just about everything. Stephen Colbert is a funny man and everyone should be able to enjoy the plethora of comedy he has to offer. He should be in the running with Tim Sagasti for "Best Man Alive."

It just always annoyed me when people say that he's Conservative. It has ever since this (mentally challenged) Liberal I knew made a commment while I was watching the terrific program. She said "Oh my God, he's so Conservative, it's disgusting." Yeah... WHATEVER to your non meat eating tree hugging..... self.

But come on, can't we all just get along and enjoy Stephen Colbert's comic GENIUS!?


Brian M. Shaver said...

Lol i think i said it best in my comment to Eric. "I just always thought it was a hilarious show, where he voiced his opinions in a dramatic/obnoxiously over exaggerated way. Kinda of like how i express my views in real life.. so hop off my ball sack about it"

-Brian Shaver

(America Love it or Leave it)

Wulfgar said...

Maybe Black Mesa.
That was a joke, ha ha, fat chance
Anyway, this cake is great,
It's so delicious and moist.

Totally agree with you Andrew, but Shaver was just curious, so hop off his ball sack.

Ramos said...

lol alright, will do...

The cake is a lie, anyway.

P-Mart said...

He's not nearly as Libaral as John Stewart though, that makes me happy.

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